We haved the new paperbound Intruder for 8.00 plus postage. WE have quite a few physical books in the backlist.

Please include include instructions such as whether you’d like a plain signature, a signature with date, or the copy personalized to you or someone else. We can mail to you or to a specified individual.

Problems with downloaded epub files solved!

We’ve had several of our readers download our epub files and unzip them. We were wondering why, since the direct epub download (as opposed to mini or full) is not a zipped file per se, but an epub file.

The sneaky truth is, an epub file is exactly that, a bunch of folders in a . . . → Read More: Problems with downloaded epub files solved!

Do not attempt to unzip an EPUB or MOBI file---they're ready to use!

If you buy an ePub or mobi file, they come to you already unzipped. Move it right on over to your device.

If you want to read it on your computer, first install (for ePub) Calibre (a free download), and assign Calibre to open any ePub file; or, for mobi, get Kindle Previewer (a free . . . → Read More: Do not attempt to unzip an EPUB or MOBI file—they’re ready to use!

New and improved Deliberations

Rusalka…and all the other books with new covers and better formatting…will be available soon. I’m working on it as fast as I can and we need to get the New Link generator working before we open them up for re-download.

We had a couple of issues with Deliberations. We had a small continuity problem, which . . . → Read More: New and improved Deliberations—and Rusalka

Closed Circle has 3 new items!

Closed Circle has 3 new items!

First: CJ Cherryh’s Yvgenie:

Third in the rewritten Rusalka Series. It’s a love story, a ghost story, and what it’s like to grow up as a wizard.


Next up: Deliberations

A brand new Foreigner short story from the pre-Bren era—JUST pre-Bren. Barely.



. . . → Read More: It’s Jane Fancher’s Birthday, she has a gift for you—And Closed Circle has 3 new items!

Audiobooks: Cyteen

The US Cyteen audiobook:

The UK Cyteen audiobook:

The Cyteen set is professionally produced, beautifully read, unabridged—it’s the one I’ve had a chance to listen to at least the start of—there are 5 sections, averaging about 7 and a half hours per section, so you get a lot of car-trip listening. And if . . . → Read More: Audiobooks: Cyteen, Chanur, Foreigner, and others

Mini, Sample -- What's what in the Closed Circle Downloads...

Sometimes you don’t realize what you’re taking for granted until someone asks a question.

The question was about the way we package our files here at Closed Circle. I’m sure that Jane and CJ have answered this before, but the suggestion was made that we add a definition or two to our “Techno” topic.

. . . → Read More: Mini, Sample — What’s what in the Closed Circle Downloads…

Orion's Children have arrived!

It’s taken far longer than I thought it would (The surprise isn’t that every ebook has display problems, no matter the format, platform or device; the surprise is that any ebook display anything at all!) but at long last, not only have my Orion’s Children books been freed from their original publisher, they’re available here . . . → Read More: Orion’s Children have arrived!

Be Sure To Include Your POstage

If you are buying more than one book, contact us. If possible, we will combine shipping. Our program automatically adds the shipping, but we’ll put them in a box and send them via whatever means you choose, (i.e. priority or media) then refund the difference through paypal…i.e. you’ll only get charged for the actual cost . . . → Read More: Be Sure To Include Your Postage

Intruder is In!

Book thirteen in C.J. Cherryh’s fabulous Foreigner series just arrived. On sale for $20 until 3/13/12. Don’t forget to include signature details!

As for that gorgeous Todd Lockwood cover, check out his cool step by step slideshows on how he made it.